Privacy Policy

In order to operate correctly and maintain availability and security of its services, NUK The World collects certain personal information from its users. This page describes the personal information we collect, and what we do with it.

IP address

Your IP address is collected and stored by our servers in order to identify abuse and fraud. It is stored in our webserver logs which are kept for 90 days, and in our forum software's database when you post content to the forum, where it lasts the life of your content. If you elect to remove your posted content from the forums, your IP address will be removed together with that data; this may be done in a self-service fashion.

Email address

Your email address is collected during registration on this site in order to provide you with essential security notices regarding your account, send you notifications about forum activity (with your consent), and allow you to recover your account in the event that you forget your password.

Date of Birth

NUK The World offers the option to its members to verify their age with staff in order to gain access to areas of the site which allow for pictures that include one's face ("selfies") and other potentially more identifying content. During identity verification, *NUK The World members provide staff with a redacted official document with all identifying information besides date of birth blacked out. Following confirmation of identity verification, the user's age, Discord username, forum username, and real age are recorded in a spreadsheet accessible only to NUK The World staff members. Date of birth is not retained.

Verified Content

NUK The World recognizes the desire for its members to share pictures and seeks to make it as safe as possible to do so. However, the owners and moderators of NUK The World make absolutely no guarantee as to the privacy of any content posted to NUK The World, including content posted to Verified areas.


NUK The World uses cookies to allow the login functionality of our site to function properly. These cookies contain no identifying information and are not used to track you beyond providing access to your account on the site.

NUK The World uses Cloudflare as a front end proxy to protect the availability and security of our services. Cloudflare sets its own cookies as a bot protection mechanism. Details on Cloudflare's cookies can be found here.

User-submitted content

By posting any content to NUK The World's forum, you grant NUK The World a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to display the content on the domain and any subdomains. You retain ownership of the content and may revoke this license at any time by deleting the content. You acknowledge that the content may be viewed by other registered members of NUK The World.

Automated content hashing

NUK The World utilizes automated content hashing and identification services from Cloudflare, Inc. to scan all images uploaded to this website for the purpose of identifying Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM). If any attempt is made to upload an image whose hash matches a known value in the NCMEC NGO or NCMEC Industry databases, automated alerts will be forwarded to the operators of NUK The World and the United States National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), NUK The World website operators will, to the best of their ability, file a supplemental report containing any additional information we may have on the user account that uploaded the material including a history of all known IP addresses and other identifying information held by NUK The World.

By utilizing the NUK The World website, you consent to the automated hashing and matching of your content in this manner, and further consent to the actions described above in the event of a match.

Requirement to register

No guarantee is made that NUK The World will remain invitation-only in perpetuity. Users are cautioned that any content posted to forums other than the Verified forum may eventually be visible to the public. Notice will be posted to the Announcements forum 14 days prior to the opening of forum visibility to the public.

Additional information provided to staff

Any other information provided by you to NUK The World staff may be archived and disseminated to other staff members for administrative purposes.

Deletion of data

You may request the deletion of all data stored on NUK The World servers that pertains either to you or to a minor for whom you are the legal guardian by sending an email to [email protected] containing either the username, email address, or IP address of the account that you wish to delete.

To delete messages or user activity on our Discord guild, please follow the appropriate process with Discord.

Data disclosure to third parties

NUK The World does not automatically share any collected data with any third party.

In compliance with mandatory reporting laws, NUK The World staff will provide a user's information to law enforcement if that user is shown to have exploited, or attempted to exploit, any minor member of this site, in a manner that can be clearly identified as unlawful under United States federal law or, in the event that the user and minor are in the same state within the United States, the laws of that state.

Excepting the case above, personally identifying information collected on this forum or associated services will only be disclosed in compliance with a court order. If NUK The World is ordered by a court to disclose data pertaining to a user on this site, we will inform the user of the court order and what data is being disclosed, if we are legally allowed to do so. To date, NUK The World has not received any sealed court orders for personal data.

Trademark disclaimer

Trademarks used within this privacy policy are used solely for identifying purposes and do not signify any affiliation between NUK The World and the trademark holder.

Discord is a registered trademark of Discord, Inc.

Cloudflare is a registered trademark of Cloudflare, Inc.